YARDS (Yard Aid & Railcar Database System) is a very powerful program that allows you to completely track any car or locomotive in a yard in Run 8 Train Simulator V3. You can assign cars to a train and then query how many cars you have for said train. This helps give a very close idea of how big the train will be before you even move any cars around.

YARDS works by uploading a World File from Run 8 and it parses the data to a usable state.

Here’s some of the things YARDS can do

  • Inbound/Outbound Trains
  • Schedule Cars/Locomotives to a particular train
  • On upload, automatically assign cars to the appropriate train based on your settings
  • Ability to move cars from one track to another and order them however to your liking
  • For yards that have a hump, there’s a Hump Assist that tells you what cars won’t fit in a bowl track
  • Many more things and always more to add

YARDS in currently in closed beta as it’s still being developed.